Glossary of Transfer Terminology
Here is a glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations you may encounter.
Language and terminology will differ between institutions. Here is another example of commonly used terminology.
Glossary of Financial Aid Terminology
Offices of Financial Aid may use another set of terms. Here is a quick reference list
An official website of the United States government: here is the glossary of definitions related to Federal Student Aid
Tips for a smooth transition when changing colleges.
Tips from College Board to make the transfer process go smoothly.
Reviews things to consider when thinking about changing colleges.
Learn about the steps you need to take to successfully transfer from a community college to a 4-year institution.
Online search tool for transfer scholarships, colleges, and career pathways.
Recognizes Phi Theta Kappa members for outstanding academic achievement, leadership accomplishment and engagement in Phi Theta Kappa programs.
Recognizes outstanding academic achievement, engagement in college and community activities and leadership accomplishment of Phi Theta Kappa members.
This scholarship for top community college students seeking to complete their bachelor's degrees is the largest private scholarship for community college transfer students in the country. Helps promising, low-income, and often first-generation, community college students reach their educational goals. November deadline.
Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor society for two-year college students, offers student members over 200 scholarships, up to $5,000 each to complete associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degrees. Spring and Fall application deadlines.
Awards a $5,000 community college scholarships for applicants answering two open-ended, personal, and thought-provoking questions. June 30 deadline.