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ENGL 1301- Ewing

Library Consultation Appointment

Please be aware that your instructor requests that students schedule a consultation with a librarian as part of the Cause-Effect Research assignment. Content covered in this appointment will vary by student depending on individual information, research and citation needs and progress made by the student at the time of the consultation. It is advised that one review the LibGuide to better understand the research and citation needs of the assignment and utilize this information to identify their topic and from there, research their topic.  Also try citing the research that you do find using the information on the MLA Citations tab of the LibGuide. As you go through this review process, you are still bound to have some questions, concerns or needs. When scheduling the appointment, be sure to note your needs and progress (if any). Our Librarians report that most students find this a productive experience and conclude the consultation not only with clearer direction of the library intangibles (research & citations) but with a better understanding of the assignment as a whole.

Paper 4: Cause & Effect Research Paper

Relevancy/ College Level Searching 

Do an advanced search and enter your topic in the first search box. Consider other terms to reflect your topic separated by the boolean operator OR i.e. Global Warming OR Climate Change

In the second box, enter something to reflect cause or effect. Suggested terms are found under Lingo on the Cause-and-Effect Research Practice handout and the Tips for Finding Cause or Effects Sources. These terms can be later replaced with terms noting a specific cause and/or effect for your topic in box one.