The EBSCO eBook Collection includes more than 300,000 eBooks covering a large selection of multidisciplinary titles representing a broad range of academic subjects. This database allows you to search all eBooks available through the library's EBSCO eBook subscriptions as well as all eBooks the library has purchased from EBSCO. Most of the eBooks in this database are available with unlimited user access.
The EBSCO eBooks Libguide offers short video tutorials and helpful hints to help you get the most out of this resource.
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The world's most comprehensive bibliography, with more than 58 million bibliographic records representing over 400 languages and all types of materials ranging from stone tablets to electronic books. WorldCat is updated daily and is now easier to search than ever. Recent enhancements include the ability to search by Library of Congress or Dewey Decimal Classification numbers, and to limit searches by material types, audiences and material formats. WorldCat includes information from before 1,000 BC to the present with thousands of records containing evaluative content such as tables of contents, cover art, book summaries and notes about the authors. It uses the Library of Congress Subject Headings as its thesaurus. Items found in here not available in the BC Library Collection can be requested via Interlibrary Loan.