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Music @ BC: Assignment

Music resource guide

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Spring Semester 2024

Spring Semester classes run from January 16 - May 7, 2024

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Friday 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
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Library Resources

There is a small research component in the class. Here’s the description of the assignment:

Choose a program theme at the beginning of the semester. It is helpful if you choose a broad, general theme like “music about nature” or “music written for birthday celebrations.” Design a program of at least seven pieces (one from each era) and write detailed program notes of 1-2 pages for each work. You will choose these pieces and write program notes periodically as we move through the class. These must be musical works that are NOT included in our listening lists or course materials. Program notes should include some general information about the composer and history of the work, but more importantly, should include detailed information about the musical elements that are found in the piece and should describe how those elements fit into or depart from the style of the musical era. Program notes should be organized logically and employ correct grammar and spelling. Each program note should include at least one correctly cited note and bibliography entry from a scholarly resource using Chicago/Turabian style.

At the end of the semester, you will design a concert program with a strong visual theme and collect your program notes into a final project. You will present (propagandize) a 5-minute description of your concert to the class.

I want the students to begin their research by consulting Grove Music Online, and I would like them to cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in their finished notes.

Research & Instruction Librarian

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Brent Cooper
he/ him
Brazosport College Library
500 College Dr.
Lake Jackson, TX 77566