Providing coverage of the most searched and studied people, Gale In Context: Biography is built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. It offers authoritative reference content alongside, videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers. Search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text. Includes over 4,500 portal pages on contemporary and historical figures. Continuously updated to ensure users have access to the very latest information.
Ebook Central provides authoritative, full-text e-books in a wide range of subject areas along with powerful tools to find, use, and manage the information.
The EBSCO eBook Collection includes more than 300,000 eBooks covering a large selection of multidisciplinary titles representing a broad range of academic subjects. This database allows you to search all eBooks available through the library's EBSCO eBook subscriptions as well as all eBooks the library has purchased from EBSCO. Most of the eBooks in this database are available with unlimited user access.
The EBSCO eBooks Libguide offers short video tutorials and helpful hints to help you get the most out of this resource.
Humanities Full Text™ includes many of the most important academic journals in the humanities with the full text of articles from over 300 periodicals dating back to 1995, and high-quality indexing for almost 700 journals—of which 470 are peer-reviewed—dating as far back as 1984. The database provides coverage of feature articles, interviews, bibliographies, obituaries, and original works of fiction, drama, poetry and book reviews, as well as reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, radio and television programs, plays, operas, and more. Topics covered include classical studies, literary & social criticism, philosophy, religion & theology, literature, art, dance, film, folklore, music, performing arts, area studies, communications, gender studies, history, journalism, linguistics, archaeology, and much more.
How to Use Academic Search Complete
Start by going to the BC Library Website:
Once you are there, scroll down to "About the Library," and click "A-Z Databases" under the Library hours of operation.
It will take you to our A-Z Databases list. Scroll down slightly and click on, "Academic Search Complete."
It will you to a page that looks like this:
See "Refine Results" to get an understanding of the filters you can apply to narrow your results.
Be sure to read the abstracts to determine the relevance of the articles before accessing the full text.
Also, ensure the source is scholarly and peer-reviewed, especially for academic research related assignments.
Click on "PDF Full-Text" under the article to view the full text. You can often download it as a PDF or read it online.
Use the database’s tools to save and organize articles. You can create a folder within Academic Search Complete to keep track of your research.
Use the citation tools provided to export citations in various formats (in this case, Chicago Style). This helps in managing references for your assignment. Be sure that the citation you pull from the database follows the Chicago Style Citation guidelines. You can open the tab "Chicago Style- Citations" off to to left side of this LibGuide in case you aren't familiar.
Should you need additional help, call the Reference Desk at 979-230-3406 to speak to one of our librarians, or feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our librarians: Schedule a Consultation.
BC Library Podcast Room
The designated BC Library Podcast Room is Study Room E, located behind the rows of computers on the far left end of the Brazosport College Library.
The BC Library Podcast Room can be booked through our Online Booking System.
See the video below on how to book Study Room E/Podcast Room:
Should you need additional assistance getting familiar with the technology in the room, you can schedule an appointment with Brent Cooper at the time of reservation.