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BIOL 1306

Library guide of resources, links, text, videos and tutorials for the library elements of the course

Greeting students!

Welcome to the BIOL 1306 Course LibGuide!

This LibGuide serves as a "Library Guide" to the services and resources provided by the BC Library as well as a reference tool to the information, research and citation needs of this course. It can be viewed it as the "notes" you would take from library instruction or a handy, easily accessible resource to access at your point of need. Content in here is intended to help guide you through the process of searching for, accessing and citing the resources essential to completing the assigned projects.

A couple important things to keep in mind:

  • This LibGuide provides tips and directions for searching the library's electronic and print resources, as well as how to cite your sources using the course's required citation format.  In addition, you will find links to videos and other resources to help reinforce the content from library instruction or on-demand tutorials. 
  • As you are researching library resources or writing your assignment, keep this guide open in a tab in your browser so you can easily refer to the links, videos, or text contained within. 
  • Be sure to navigate this guide using the blue tabs across the top left. Click on the tab appropriate to your information need. If not sure, use the 'Search this Guide' search box found in the upper right corner. Instructions for researching course assignments as well as suggested library resources are found in the Assignment pages.
  • Though this LibGuide contains the information needed to effectively use library resources, please note that librarians are on hand to assist you. To find out how to contact us, view the Contact Us! box to the left. Further down in the Contact Us! box, one can also schedule an in-person or Zoom appointment with a librarian using the Schedule A Consultation link.

Visual Guides to Various Library Services- Quick Videos

Update to the video- once you click the My Library Account link on the library homepage, you'll be directed to type in your BC ID# (thus skipping the need to click the other My Account link as noted in the video).  An updated video reflecting this is upcoming

Please note the BC Library databases are now accessed/hosted via the A-Z Listing of Databases. An updated video reflecting this is upcoming.