The EBSCO eBook Collection includes more than 300,000 eBooks covering a large selection of multidisciplinary titles representing a broad range of academic subjects. This database allows you to search all eBooks available through the library's EBSCO eBook subscriptions as well as all eBooks the library has purchased from EBSCO. Most of the eBooks in this database are available with unlimited user access.
The EBSCO eBooks Libguide offers short video tutorials and helpful hints to help you get the most out of this resource.
With O’Reilly for Higher Education, libraries can now give students a competitive advantage in the classroom and beyond with access to the most current knowledge, trends, conversations, and real-world experiences in business and technology. On an unlimited user and content model, O’Reilly includes tech and business content from more than 200 publishers - along with videos, case studies, courses and exclusive O'Reilly-produced content from world-renowned innovators and corporate leaders.
O'Reilly for Higher Education LibGuide offers an introduction to O’Reilly For Higher Education along with quick video presentations of the most important features so can search this resource effectively.
Ebook Central provides authoritative, full-text e-books in a wide range of subject areas along with powerful tools to find, use, and manage the information.
Gale eBooks offers broad cross-curricular collection of non-fiction titles, supporting science, geography, history, language arts, business and other subjects. Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through multiple nonfiction eBooks within a single search.
OverDrive is a platform for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks. Libby, OverDrive's companion app, provides an easy way for users to discover, borrow, and download ebooks and audiobooks from the BC Library's OverDrive collection.