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Career Readiness Workshop Series

This 4-part series is designed to assist in making sure that YOU are the best applicant, and get that job!

CRWS'23 | Zoom #4

Click HERE or the image below to access the Zoom recording of the 4/19/2023 workshop

Use passcode: s5Eq+7z4  to access audio of the Impression Management Workshop.

Passcode: s5Eq+7z4 

Personal Branding and YOUR Digital Footprint

Week 4 | Impression Management Workshop

Career Readiness Workshop Series | Week 4 Impression Management Workshop

Be in control of the impression you create long before you are face to face with your future employer by examining your personal brand and the potential dangers in managing your social image. 

Check out what the library has on writing resumes

eBooks on resume writing

Resumes and Cover Letters for Managers

This guide is for the office manager to the CEO, offering helpful examples of how to relocate to & from a wide range of careers.

The Elements of Resume Style

It's amazing the myths one can find in some resume books. Bennet explains why some of the most popular 'tricks' backfire more often than they work, and offers clear, smart strategies for creating resumes and cover letters that get people jobs.

Resume Writing