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BC Library Instructional Services: Embedded in D2L/ Virtual Campus

What is "Embedded in D2L/ Virtual Campus"?

Embedded in D2L/ Virtual Campus: a librarian networks with students within the D2L/ Virtual Campus module. Usually the librarian leads a discussion around the time a research assignment is introduced. Students use this thread to communicate research needs for the librarian to address. The Embedded in D2L/ Virtual Campus sessions work best for Online (asynchronous) courses or where the instructor wants library instruction but does not have an opening for live library instruction.

How does "Embedded in D2L/ Virtual Campus" work?

Interested faculty must inform the Center for Instructional Excellence at Brazosport College to add Brent Cooper as a “Librarian” to their requested D2L/ Virtual Campus module along with the specific course & term. Once added, the instructor and librarian will review student informational needs along with a timeline of when the librarian should communicate with students (usually around the start of a research assignment). The librarian is notified when students reply to the thread, so feedback should be timely.