LibGuides: LibGuides are e-documents tailored to topics, departments, courses or assignments and posted on D2L (the library website also links to all course LibGuides). LibGuides incorporate text, video, files and web links along with direct access to library databases and book records from our catalog to ensure students understand the essentials of library-related information.
In a perfect world, BC courses would have a LibGuide as part of their curriculum, as LibGuides curate knowledge, share information and organize course/ subject specific resources. Librarians create subject, course or assignment based LibGuides for students to reference as their primary library resource for each respective course. These easy to navigate guides contain information, resources, videos and links to relevant library related topics such as introduction to college level research, academic integrity, citation styles/format, Information Literacy/ AI Literacy components, source evaluation, researching your assignment, etc. To secure a LibGuide for your course, contact Brent Cooper for a LibGuide consultation. In this quick visit, we gather the library related information needed for your particular course. Usually we can have a LibGuide ready for you to post in D2L within a week.